Joseph Betti’s Midpoint Reflection

Midpoint Reflection

Joseph Betti


February 5, 2024

Review of my Goals

My goals at the beginning of the summer:

  • Improve at GIS
  • Learn more about statistics
  • Learn how to program (R, Python, SQL, etc.)
  • Learn how to apply data science as a Landscape Architect
  • Gain real-world experience




I feel as if I have gained many new tools to help me as a Landscape Architect. The largest benefit is the ability to access information from the census.

List of Improvements
  • Using census data
  • Working with new file types
  • New ways of manipulating attributes (in ArcGIS Pro and R)
  • Making maps in R


I have not had the opportunity to learn much about statistics. I believe this knowledge will come later when my group and I dive deeper into the analysis of zoning. However, I have improved in visualizing data.


The DSPG program has greatly improved my programming skills in R and python. I have also renewed my long-forgotten interest in making games outside of work. image
List of Improvements
  • Gathering census data
  • Analyzing data
  • Visualizations and mapping
  • Making games

Data Science for Landscape Architecture


I believe that this experience will improve my skills as a Landscape Architect. I now have more tools to understand the people that I am designing for, as well as the conditions of their environment.

Potential Uses

  • Finding data
  • Understanding demographics
  • Finding areas of suitability
  • Data visualization

Real-World Experience

The zoning guide is a statewide project that has real implications on the way Iowa cities make zoning laws. The work we are doing has the potential to shape cities and lower housing costs, affecting the quality of life for many Iowa citizens. The real-world nature of the project certainly adds pressure, but it is satisfying to be making an impact on the state. Experiencing a real-world project has also given me a better understanding of how cities organize themselves image

Goals for the Upcoming Weeks

  • Improve at programming
  • Gain a greater perspective on the intentions and effects of zoning
  • Improve at data collection and analysis
  • Improve critical thinking skills
  • Improve in ArcGIS Pro